Monday, February 27, 2012

me, talking to you

I'm too lazy to type this morning.
Also, two weeks ago I mentioned maybe doing Movie Mondays around here...let's call this attempt number one.

Don't be too jealous of my hair, totally slept on  still and fine, but it'll hit total grease-ball stage around 4 PM.

Also, I'm not sure why I squeak at the end?

Happy Monday friends!

What's going on this week?


vanessa said...

I love vlogs! Have fun at teh zoo today.

Laura said...

No more emails from me, they will now all be vmails. Awesome.

Laura said...

No more emails from me, they will now all be vmails. Awesome.

Chelsea @ two twenty one said...

Cute vlog! Your voice wasn't synced up so your mouth would move, and then I would hear you speak. It made it more interesting. I'm digging your white Ikea bookshelves. I need to go to Ikea.

Danielle Michelle said...

OMG I am so looking forward to MOnday's from now on! lol

Stephie said...

I like the squeak at the end