Some years I make lists of goals, usually they are abandoned by Feb 3.
I saw a few people choose a word for the year.
I like this idea, so I'm doing it too.
tra·di·tion [truh-dish-uh
n] noun
1. the handing down of statements, beliefs, legends, customs, information, etc., from generation to generation, especially by word of mouth or by practice: a story that has come down to us by popular tradition.
2. something that is handed down: the traditions of the Eskimos.
3. a long-established or inherited way of thinking or acting: The rebellious students wanted to break with tradition.
4. a continuing pattern of culture beliefs or practices.
5. a customary or characteristic method or manner: The winner took a victory lap in the usual track tradition.
(thank you )
And, because I cannot hear the word 'tradition' without hearing Topol; I'll leave you with a Fiddler on the Roof clip.
Linking up at The Lettered Cottage Word of the Year Party.
nice post dear..
Heh. That is also what I think of when I hear Tradition!
hee hee - you crack me up! Love the picture!
Following you from Layla's word party-Stop by for a visit!
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