Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Freshly picked from the Tree of Randomness:

* Last week we had a new HVAC system installed - furnace, a/c, all new ducting and a few new registers and returns. The dampers still need to be adjusted, but so far the new system seems a lot better than the old one :)

* We've settled on a nickname for the wee man. He shall be JJ - my dad likes to call him this, and he's sort of already become "Grandpa's Boy" so what the heck? I've decided to call him Gerald, just so he knows it is his real name, plus I figure when he grows up and gets a professional-type job he'll be comfortable with his grown up name. Now - if I could only convince the Taco to use his real name at the office...

* We went to the county fair on Sat. Last year we saw the Chicken King, this year I had a close encounter with the Goat Princess - she was even wearing a tiara. I have to admit, the tiara made me jealous, so jealous that I needed a silver fox (read - sugar flavored) sno-cone and a basket of fried vegetables. So good going down... the next day, ouch. We also looked at all of the animals. Note - steer clear of the poultry barn next year. Something spooked one of the chickens and it tried to fly away, we were showered with sawdust and chicken-shit. I almost cried. People stopped and stared as I tried to clean off G and his stroller with wipes.

* I'm ordering a new toy from W-S this week :) The Beaba baby food maker - and it's from France. We all know about my love for Euro-trash, so, in my book, this is just about the greatest thing ever.

* Remember long ago I wrote about new bedding for my room? Of course you do! The new bedding has been here for quite a while and looks loverly on my bed, but I needed a few more pillow cases, so I ordered them the other week while shipping was free. I ordered two, I paid for two, they sent me three - score! Guess who's going to have a cute matching pillow for her reading chair? This girl.

* There's a plastic Jimminy Cricket sitting on my desk - he makes me smile :)


AJ said...

My evil MIL worked at W & S and volunteered her employee discount to us....if we only still spoke to her....

Jericho Rose said...

I've seen the Beaba baby food maker at Williams Sonoma and I so want one even though I don't have a baby! It is so cute in green. However, I do have a really bad fetish for kitchen appliances. I think the Beaba is such a good idea for babies and it eliminates Gerber. I would totally get one, but there is no baby in my near future.

Danielle Michelle said...

County Fairs Rock! Fun!

JJ said...

My parents planned on calling me JJ, but for some reason it just never stuck. Hope you guys have better luck - it sounds good for both a cute little baby and for an adult

little.lamb said...

i love fruit!

alanna rose said...

AJ - if she works at Somerset, I might have had a run in with her. I love that store, but the women who work there are so uppity - I always want to yell at them: "You work retail! Get over yourself!"

Jerri - I know isn't it cute!

Danielle - I think it's because we didn't have county fairs growing up, I love going to it now :)

JJ - I'll let you pretend we named him after his aunt JJ :)

Lamb - me too!

Erika said...

guess who laughed hysterically at your blog? This girl!

Anonymous said...

and w.s. needs more of your $$, right? yeah, I know they do. I have the magic bullet, which I have to break out soon.

Unknown said...

We need another visit soon from JJ.

AJ said...

I think it was Sommerset.

Jerri, what do you have against Gerber??? It is headquartered in my hometown remember:) I'm totally ready to throw down over this:)

alanna rose said...

Erika - :)

Mel - just think of it as my personal "economic stimulus plan"

Kathy - how about week after next? I need to go to Sam's club and it's pretty close to you (I think)

AJ- take your fight somewhere else... just kidding :)