Friday, December 05, 2008

no more wisdom

The wisdom teeth are gone.

I was in and out in 45 min, and it didn't hurt at all. I did gag on my blood, which was not fun. But I'm still feeling good - probably because I am completely, drooling on myself, numb.

Before I left they asked if I wanted my teeth. I found that both hilarious and horrifying. I assured them (through my gauze-filled mouth) that I did not require my teeth. The tooth fairy doesn't know where I live.

Now I have to figure out how to take the horse pill painkillers with a numb mouth...hmmm.....


Pamela said...

You're done already?? Man, I just got to work! I didn't have to take the horse pills, I just took Ibuprofen. maybe your mom could crush it into a chocolate shake?

Pamela said...

A good game of PackRat can cure all things ;)

Jericho Rose said...

I had to chop the pills up because there was no way I could swallow them with a swollen mouth. You sound like a champ!! I was in for far longer than 45 mins and had weeks of pain due to two dry sockets.

Unknown said...

Hooray for it's over.

Jen said...

Glad to hear it wasn't too bad! I have to get mine out next month and Lincoln is still breastfeeding too so I'm a little nervous about how it'll feel. That is hilarious that they asked if you wanted your teeth :)

rae rae said...

Mine wasn't too bad either - glad you are feling good!

No suggestions on the horse painkillers... I have a hard enough time swallowing pills when I'm not numb!

Stephie said...

I would try and stick to mortin if you can, I got super sick from my pain killers and throwing up with gauze in your mouth could be the grossest feeling ever....

Lamb said...

u are a super trooper! if i had to put money on it, i was going to bet this post was going to be 180 from this.

did you feel them tugging on you? thats the WORST

JJ said...

Glad to hear it went well :)

Laura said...

Yay for things going smoothly!

h said...

Glad it went well! Mine only hurt when they had to wiggle one of the teeth out...mostly because my mouth is small and his hands were not.

Michelle said...

Glad to hear it all went okay... I had dental work last week, too. They also offered me my tooth -- I told them that the tooth fairy wasn't coming either!! :)