So now my little boy is relatively odor-free (he is still his father's son), and he can wear pants :)
Question: Do I still wash his little belly button with alcohol? It's still healing, and I just don't know what to do and feel silly calling the doctor (especially on the weekend) just for this.
It doesn't hurt to wash the belly button a bit longer with alcohol.
In the picture Gerald already looks two months old and he is so cute. Are you calling him Gerald?? The name does fit him.
Yay for a close up pic! So cute!!
I'd totally just switch water now. But that's me!
Alcohol won't hurt, especially if the cord got stinky. Ava's got like that, so I used alcohol once a day until it wasn't red anymore.
smelly or not, your son is SO handsome!
dude, he is too cute! he looks different already but he still has his kissy lips.
Both my girls cords fell off in the hospital, so I didn't experience the "stinky" smell.
That is a great picture of him. He is so wide eyed.
Very cute! Congrats again!
I was told by my DR to wash it with water and a cotton ball after the stub falls off.
Alanna he is so adorable!
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