Wednesday, December 03, 2008

on friday

My wisdom teeth are coming out on Fri.

Guess how excited I am? Go ahead, guess.

Unfortunately I will not be sedated. G is still a boob-boy so that means no good drugs for me :( Even though they will prescribe percose1t to women who've just given birth, I'm afraid to take it. I will take 800mg motrin though, hopefully that will be enough.

The best part is my mom is coming down tomorrow to help with G on Fri and Sat. I love my mom <3 (FYI - that's not a's a carrot and a butt)


AJ said...

GOod luck with the wisdom teeth! They prescribed me Vicodin after my wisdom teeth, but I never took it. Just tylenol and motrin were fine.

Jericho Rose said...

You are brave... All of mine were impacted though.

JJ said...

I'm with Jerico - all of mine were impacted and it sucked, but I've heard of plenty of people that had a super easy time and minimal pain - here's hoping that you are one of those!

Diana said...

OMG - I will cross my fingers for you. When I got mine out, I thanked God for Vicodin.

Laura said...

They just numbed my mouth with the shots... it wasn't bad at all. I did only have two (I'm a little more evolved than most). ;)

Unknown said...

Buy lots of soft foods. Rest, and a big hooray for your mom being there for you.